The symptoms of H1N1 are:
Those seem awfully familiar. That's becuase those are the exact symptoms of the regular seasonal flu. And the treatment for the swine flu? When I researched this, it stated that most people will get over the swine flu with no treatment at all. The only time anyone would have to worry is if they have other complications that will affect their chances against fighting the flu. So I wonder, why are we making such a big deal out of the swine flu? Yes, it's a pandemic, but the more we freak out, the more society freaks out. Everyone is talking about the swine flu. Everybody knows about it. And we are more scared about getting H1N1 then we are the regular flu. And the regular flu makes us just as sick. Do you think we play up the swine flu a bit much?And if we do, do we have reason for it? Should we really be scared about the consequences of H1N1? And what about the vaccine? The government is releasing a vaccine this fall for the H1N1 virus. This vaccine is different from the seasonal flu vaccine but is expected to be given out around the same time. Is it risky to be taking both vaccines? Especially us, who are living in close dorm rooms, should we recieve the vaccine?
And one more issue that has caused lots of rumors. What will Merrimack do when the swine flu breaks out? Will those people be sent home? Will H1N1 hit us like a bomb? There are so many "what ifs" and so many questions. And most of them won't be answered until something actually happens. But we all worry. Everyone is concerned about getting sick. But there is not much we can do right now other than washing our hands and stay away from those who are sick. What do you think about this issue? What should Merrimack do?