My R.A put up a new bulletin board this past week with all the facts about college issues concerning alcohol. At first I walked by and thought nothing of it. However, when my roommates and I stopped to read what was written on this bulletin board we were quite shocked. One of the facts written was that in the last year, 2.1 million people between the ages of 18 and 24 have driven drunk. 2.1 million! Was I shocked that people drink and drive? No, but I never thought that this many were. I cannot comprehend that people will go out to drink and then drive. My main concern after reading this was about a girl who died in my city after getting hit by a drunk driver. Many people between the ages of 18 and 24 do not go out to have one drink then go home. Lets be honest that they usually go out to get drunk with friends. It concerns me that this many drivers are out on the road every year. That is almost 6,000 drivers on the road drunk every night. Throughout high school I worked at a Youth Services job where I helped speak about the issues concerning underage drinking and even I was astonished by this number. Another fact on this board said that about 1700 students between the same ages die of accidental excessive drinking every year. Now I’m not saying that people shouldn’t drink. I’m just alarmed by these numbers. I think we should all be a little startled by this. Both of these facts hit home, after my friends sister died of excessive drinking. We can move on and pretend these numbers don’t matter and complain about having to take online alcohol tests, which I agree did stink, but in reality it really does matter in the end. I for one don’t want to see any of my friends die.
*Haley Morris
Sunday, October 4, 2009
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It is actually quite scary to see those statistics of just how many young adults drive under the influence each year. 2.1 million just between ages 18-24! And this number I assume may be even be greater. It is alarming when each and every one of us not only is at risk of being seriously injured or killed by these selfish drivers, but also our loved ones. I do not care what anyone one does in their free time until it impacts me. However, once someone who is under the influence decides to get behind the wheel, I care. If it were simply that they were going to be putting their own life in danger than fine, but I find it rather ironic that in most cases the innocent are the ones that become the victims to someone’s dumb decision. If only people could understand the meaning of “Drink Responsibly”. This issues hits close to home.
ReplyDeleteOne of my friend’s friends was involved in a motor vehicle accident involving a drunk driver. Unfortunately, the drunk driver lived and the friend, who was sober, lost her life simply driving home from a friend’s house one night. While this did have an impact on the town for awhile, the impact soon subsided. After a mere month, people were back to their old ways and began to drink and drive again, forgetting the innocent life that was lost as a result of carelessness. I realize this is just one tragedy, but you can hear a story about it almost every day on the news and I am sure many people have felt the effects of drunk drivers in one way or another. The statistics and tragedies are hard to fathom, however until young adults smarten up, I can only see the number of incidents rising.
I am also shocked with how high the numbers are. I know you hear about it every year on the news and during speeches, but when it is put into numbers like that it is scary! Even though there are rules about who should be drinking and what you can't do after drinking, people still continue to break those rules. Someone that went to my high school died a couple years back because a women was driving the wrong way down the high way while intoxicated. It is scary how alcohol can alter ones behaviors and even their thoughts and desicions. People drink to have a good time or let out stress, or because it is what college kids are suppose to do...which is fine-but these fatal consequences make me wonder why it is even worth it to risk it.
ReplyDelete2.1 million is a huge number! I did not know that is how many people drink and drive in a year.
ReplyDeleteOver the summer, when I found out we had to take an alcohol test I was kinda annoyed. I thought it was going to be a big burden, but then as I was taking it, I learned quite a lot. I learned the symptoms of alochol poisoning and what to do if it happens the someone around you. Not only did I learn that, but I also learned what drinks have bigger effects on you. I think it should be mandatory that all schools take a test or learn about the affects of alcohol. I feel it would decrease the death rate of students that die from alcohol. 1700 students that die every year is way too much. I feel like kids don't learn until someone they know dies close to them. This summer, a really good friend of all my friends died of alcohol poisoning. They were all extremely big drinkers and after their friend died they drastically cut their drinking down. They finally found out that they weren't invincible, like most kids think they are.
I feel that kids are going to continue to drink heavily until they are taught the facts or sadly learn because of a death among their friends.
Drinking seems to hit colleges hard in the first few monthes of school. We experienced it here at Merrimack with the ambulances coming a couple times a night for the first couple weekends. Most students don't realize how dangerous drinking is, especially binge drinking in college. I know my mom was afraid to let me bring my vehicle here because she knew the statistics of the amount of students drinking and driving.. Her father was killed by a drunk driver crashing into him when he was in a parked car.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with having to do online alcohol courses before you go to college. I also learned a lot about drinking and how to deal with alcohol poisoning. I want to be able to help my friends in need and know how to keep them safe. I think bigger universities this is especially important because of the massive amounts of partying everyone knows about on the weekend.. I know my friends that go to bigger colleges tell me about it. But it is awesome Merrimack has taken initiative to make students do an online course.. I just wish other colleges would follow and be as responsible.
I agree with SKeele. So many teenagers think they are invincible and when they hear about accidents or dying from alcohol poisoning, they simply think "oh it won't happen to me". The thing is, it could happen to anyone. One girl in my town died two years ago when she decided to drink and drive on a rainy night and hit a tree. It's sad that teenagers don't think twice until something tragic happens to someone close to them.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the online test was a pain, but I definitely learned a lot from it. I got a bunch of questions wrong until I read the articles and learned what drinks have a greater affect on you. More people need to understand when they take online alcohol tests and see statistics of death in teenagers, that it could happen to you. It could happen to anyone.
I completely agree that more people need to be aware of the dangers of overconsumption of alcohol. My sophomore year of high school one of my classmates was involved in a drunk driving accident. Her boyfriend was drunk and she was the passenger. Her heart was attached by a single strand to the rest of her body and still has years left of her recovery. I also lost a classmate last year on homecoming weekend. After a night of partying in the woods (on my street) she attempted to leave the party, thinking that she was fine. Unfortunately, no one decided to go with her. She was missing for three days, and they found her monday morning lying dead in 24 inches of water. Had she not been impaired of making decisions or had someone gone with her- maybe she would have lived. However, at my high school nothing changed. Her close friends continued to get wasted weekend after weekend
ReplyDeleteNow, I find myself in many situations being the "mom". I've noticed that here many people do not know their limits. So many times I've heard, "I'm Fine...REALLY!" Does it make me uncool because I don't binge drink and can remember my previous nights? I don't think so - and I make it a point to tell people the story of my classmate and her recovery and the other who we so tragically lost.
When will we as teens finally swich the "norm". Instead of wating for someone to get critically injured or killed in order to learn...change your ways of thinking now.
College drinking is definitely a huge issue; one that I honestly thought would not be that big at Merrimack. But it is. And, like the signs on the Massachusetts highways say, “When you drink and drive, you lose”.
ReplyDeleteI think the most important thing that students be aware of while drinking in college is NOT getting in the car with a drunk driver. As much as we underestimate the effects a few beers may have on people, it still can impair their judgment and decisions. Personally, when I go to parties with sports teams or other friends, I always make sure someone will NOT be drinking and can be assigned the ‘designated driver’. If no one volunteers, I have two options; a) not go. b) become the designated driver. One night of partying is NOT worth getting in a car with a drunk driver and having something go terribly wrong.
These numbers are actually quite sickening and truly sad. There have been several times when I have been in the situation where an intoxicated friend insisted on driving home. I took the keys away which resulted in my friend being extremely angry at me. Still, I'd rather have an angry friend than a dead friend. A lot of times I feel like the worst and least responsible drinking takes place amongst college freshman experimenting with their newfound freedom. As frustrating as it is, I think it is actually beneficial that many college freshman are not allowed to have cars on campus. I think all of us need to be more aware of the fact that we are not invinsible and we need to learn to think for those who are under the influence and think its a good idea to get behind the wheeel. If you do choose to drink, do so with people who will look out for you so nothing happens to you. Look out for others, and be responsible. This statistic doesn't have to be so shocking.
ReplyDeleteI think that it is ridiculous how many teenagers and young adults abuse alcohol. The amount of people who die a year because of drunk drivers or drinking too much is outrageous and it’s a shame because all those deaths are so preventable if people were thinking more responsibly. I too recently saw the bulletin board that had all those shocking facts and statistics and it made me stop and read it all because how shocking the truth really is. Alcohol consumption in college is a hard thing to control. I think so many accidents happen a year because they are not educated enough on the subject and consequences. College students especially are often forced or felt pressured to drink more than they can handle by their peers. College drinking is something that is probably never going to be avoided but hopefully more young people could become more educated, to hopefully prevent unnecessary deaths and injuries in the future.
ReplyDeleteIt is alarming and startling to hear these kind of facts about drunk driving. In my opinion, the saddest part of these deaths from accidents or excessive consumption of alcohol is that they are things that can be easily avoided. In our world today, there are two many scary situations in which innocent people are killed or put at risk because of things beyond their control. Drinking too much alcohol or getting in the car with someone who has been drinking, though, is something that can be easily avoided and can save many lives each year.
ReplyDeleteDrunk driving is clearly wrong. It puts you and the other people in your vehicle at great risk and is really dangerous no matter how sober you think you might be. However, the thing that bothers me most about drunk driving is the risk that other drivers on the road are put in when there is a drunk driver operating a vehicle. When people consider trying to drive home when they are drunk, they should not only think of themselves but they should think of innocent people who are just trying to drive home-completely aware of their surroundings and not doing anything wrong. In my eyes, even worse than hurting yourself while driving drunk is hurting someone who is not attempting to drive under the influence. So be smart, because one little decision could turn into a life-changing tragedy.
I agree with what was discussed, drinking and driving is a scary thought and it happens way too frequently. I have no problem with drinking, and let’s be honest, in college drinking happens, but I do have a problem when people start to threaten their lives and the lives of others. Fortunately, because everyone walks around on a college campus driving really isn’t an option for anyone. This doesn’t mean that drinking and driving doesn’t have an effect on us though. Many people lose loved ones or friends because that person either drove drunk or got killed by someone who was driving drunk. On the news there are always stories about someone that gets killed by a drunk driver and sometimes I think you have to put a little bit of blame on the bartenders. If the bartender sees somebody that is drunk or even a little buzzed it is their job to either cut that person off or make sure they get a taxi or bus home. Obviously when you drink you have to be responsible but I still feel like when somebody is intoxicated, other people need to step in and take the initiative.
ReplyDeleteThis number is upsetting to me because it is preventable. Even if you are going to drink, there are steps you can take to avoid being another one of these tragic statistics. And I agree that people, youth especially, think that they are invincible and that it won't happen to them. It is always these people that get hurt, or hurt others, because their arrogance has them overlooking necessary precautions for safety. And if I hear another ignorant and obnoxious individual say that they actually drive better when they're drunk, I might possibly lose my grip on sanity. No, you don't drive better when you're only think that way because you only see your drunk driving when you ARE drunk and therefore lose the validity of your opinion. It makes me so sad, because I know what it takes to me these people change. I takes tragedy. People need to feel the influence of these bad choices. Until people start making the right decisions and taking responsibility for themselves, drunk driving will continue to be an issue in this society.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe this many people drink and drive. Its one thing if you binge drink, you're only going to hurt yourself. But if you make that decision to get behind the wheel you put not only yourself in danger, but every innocent person on the road that night.
ReplyDeleteTo me its the most selfish thing you can do. Is it really worth the sacrifice to make it home on time, or to hit up another party you promised your friend you'd make an appearence at?
Young people are convinced they are invincible, and that it wont happen to them but just think about it... that other person, could be you.
I too am shocked at the large numbers of drunk drivers and number of deaths that directly correlate to it. I was also not surprised that people go out and drink and then drive home, because I have witnessed it happen. I have been places where people drank and then went home and have been told by some of my friends that they have done it. Most of my friends, including myself, would always try our hardest to get these kids to not drive, but not to arrive at a success every time. We have never directly let drunken friends drive home, but they have sometimes left without anyone’s awareness. Knowing your friend is behind the wheel of a car and drunk is one of the scariest things ever. The reality is that you may never see that person again. So I agree in saying there is something that needs to be done regarding this topic. I know governments try and laws are made, but more needs to be done. People need to stop their friends from doing this, and take keys away from people if they know they will be drinking. Life is too short to lose it in such a wretched way.