Tuesday, November 24, 2009


The argument about abortion is one of the most controversial topics discussed today. At the end of the day, what is the right decision or is there a right decision? In 1973, the famous Roe vs. Wade case established the law that allowed women to get an abortion if they so desired. New laws have established a limited time slot to get an abortion of the first trimester. I believe there is an answer to this question.
Pro-choice is the right decision in this case. Arguments against abortion are very valid. It is a harmful procedure that may prevent a woman from ever having children in the future. It is easy to grasp the "killing a life" concept. For those of you who are religious, we know that it is not accepted by the Catholic church. But give it a rest anti-abortion lobbyists, you will never win.
If you choose to not want to get an abortion for whatever reason, it is your right to not ever get one. But can you make that decision for another woman? As Americans, we have rights to our body and what we choose to do with them. After the first trimester, I agree that it is just too late, but before then, a woman should have a choice.
If a law was passed that made it illegal to have an abortion, besides the inevitable riots and fights that would ensue, only harm would become of it. Just like teens and adults will search out illegal drugs despite the law against it, woman will seek out an illegal abortion. But instead of being in a hospital with sterilized equipment and trained professionals, it will be done in someones basement with whatever they could find in their kitchen. This will not only cause the woman to never be able to give birth to a child indefinitely, but also could lead to death in extreme cases. Is this what we want for America? Do we want adults who are not ready to bare a child to go to these measures, or for a stupid teenage girl who got taken advantage of to jump down a flight of stairs in desperation? That is what will happen in this case, and it is wrong for a woman to be reduced to desperation when she could just go to Planned Parenthood.
The same people who lobby for anti-abortion laws, also lobby for the teaching of abstinence, which everyone knows is a lost cause. People will do whatever they want to, and it is wrong to deny teens the right information they need to be safe.
Overall, we know as Americans that we have a freedom to do as we please with our body, with obvious limitations. While every argument against and for abortion is valid, the fact remains that it would be a very unintelligent decision to put a law against abortion. For those of you who stand by your anti-abortion decision, I admire your choices, but it is time for everyone to realize the real meaning and consequence of that choice.


  1. I am personally pro-choice. I believe that if someone wants to get rid of their baby they should have the right to. Everyone makes mistakes. If the person could not raise the baby properly or take care of themselves while pregnant than I feel it is safer and a smarter choice for the babies life to end it early. Rather than to go for illegal abortion which is highly dangerous, I feel that abortion should be legal. It should be a woman's choice to keep their baby or not, especially since it is in their body.

  2. I completely disagree with this blog entry. To the post above, how can you possibly use the wording to "get rid of their baby" or have the right to "end it early." And to the blogger, ou referred to a "stupid teenage girl that got taken advantage of," if you mean that in the sense that she got raped, calling her stupid is ignorant. And if you're referring to casual sex, men are just as stupid as women, they just can't get pregnant.

    Yes its true that everyone makes mistakes, but why should a human's life be ended because someone didn;t use a condom? Its not fair. If your not ready for a baby, be responsible (because you obviously weren't before) and have the baby. There are plenty of families willing to adopt newborn babies. Killing is never the answer.

  3. Personally, I don't think its my place to say whether or not I think a person should have an abortion or not. However, I look at it this way. If a person willingly decides to have sex he/she should be ready to deal with the consequences if the girl does get pregnant. Whether this be raising the child, having a parent help raise the child or giving the child up for adoption.

    But think of it this way, it wasn't the unborn child's fault that the mother got pregnant. Now, I know there are extreme situations where rape or sexual assault is an issue. Therefore I cannot be the judge of what a person decides to do. A pregnant woman may not want a child because it reminds her of the person who raped her. I have never been in this situation- so I can neither make assumptions nor tell a person what to do.

  4. I believe that abortion is wrong in certain situations. If you're sexually active, then you are at risk and should know the consequences. If this abortion is because of your "mistake", then you are killing an innocent person. But, on the other hand, if a soon to be parent knows that they cannot physically support this child, then I (personally) believe that abortion is acceptable.
    Additionally, I've had a friend who was raped by her own father and still had the baby because she felt that it did not deserve to die but, that it deserved better. She still has the baby today and he is about four years of age. Mind you, she is 18 years old. She had him in the 8th grade. The baby is completely healthy and although her son reminds her of the incident, she is comfortable with the situation (after tremendous amounts of counseling).
    Abortions is a person's choice. If they want to live with taking someone else's life then it is their problem but I don't think that it is right to tell someone what they have to do. Helping someone to see it abortion in different perspectives will assist them in their choice. I am a strong believer in making your own choices based on your life and the situation at hand.

  5. This blog entry got me pretty aggrovated. I am personally Pro-Life but I thought that the reasons given for being Pro-choice here are pretty absurd and that telling those of us who have a pro-life stance that it is time to give up. Last year I went down to Washington D.C. for the Pro-Life "March For Life" with my high school and it was truly life changing. I'd like you to tell the 300,000 people that swarmed the streets of D.C. that day that its time to give up.

    People are getting way to comfortable with the idea of abortion and some even just see it as another form of birth control-- a back up if all else fails, or if they were just "too stupid" to use birth control in the first place. And those who say that abstinence is a lost cause-- you are wrong. I know countless people ( girls and guys) that are waiting until they are married to have sex. So if you don't believe in abstinence that is fine, but don't say it is a hopeless cause.

    Yes it is impossible to make abortions illegal now and yes it is true that illegal abortions or 'coat hanger abortions' would occur and cause danger. However, right now, there are over 3,700 abortions every day in the U.S. alone and approximately 42 million abortions a year world wide. Do you think that 42 million people are being impregnated by rape? Are 42 million women using birth control and condoms and still getting pregnant? What is the reason for these abortions?

    The point is, a fetus is a human life and should have rights. It should not be something you should just 'get rid of' if its inconvenient for you.

  6. I think a woman should have the right to choose because it is her body. A woman has a child growing inside of her and she has to face all the hardships of being pregnant. It is not all sunshine and daisies. There is swelling of the body, morning sickness, etc. Plus, there is the fact that the woman carrying the baby may not be ready to have one. Yes they had sex, yes they should accept responsibility, but it is easier said then done. The bottom line is, no one wants abortion but one has to think, what would be better? What if a person bears a child and can't take care of it? Or what if they give it up for adoption only to have the child end up being in countless foster homes? As sad as it is, one has to be realistic. Having a child is a responsibility and if bringing it up is a liability, then is it worth having the baby?

  7. I think that every woman is entitled to the choice of whether to get an abortion or not. Denying a woman this right is denying her the freedom of her own body. I think that abortion can be very beneficial in some circumstances, not just in accidental pregnancies but in the cases of rape. If someone got raped and got pregnant how can someone make a law saying that the woman couldn’t get an abortion? It is not right and the women in these circumstances have the right to decide what they want to do with their own bodies. Although I believe in pro-choice I do not advocate people abusing the freedom. People should still practice safe sex or abstinence if they do not want to get pregnant. I don’t agree with women being unsafe and careless just because they know they can get an abortion if they become pregnant. Also this is very unhealthy for the woman herself, getting multiple abortions can cause permanent damage to the females reproductive system. If a woman decides to have sex that means she has to deal with the consequeses that sometimes follow which includes unwanted pregnancies. All in all though I believe in pro-choice and that a female should have control over her own body and be able to decide what to do with it.

  8. Like cpiantigini stated this blog really REALLY irritated me. Life is not a choice! As human beings, just as we do not have the authority to decide when we come into this world, we do not have the authority to decide when to leave it.

    “But give it a rest anti-abortion lobbyists, you will never win.” I really hope you do not honestly think we will give it a rest when the world is murdering innocent children. Yes, not fetuses, children, actual human beings! Did you know that today Norma L. McCorvey, or rather Jane Roe, is actually a pro-life activist. Although she never had the abortion she realized her historical mistake, and Roe is now taking a stand against abortion. Unfortunately, for many women they realize their mistake too late. “Do we want…a stupid teenage girl who got taken advantage of to jump down a flight of stairs in desperation?” I don’t exactly quite understand what you were trying to prove with this comment, but if you meant abortion would help reduce suicide rates of the female gender you are mistaken. Did you know that numerous women after getting an abortion become deeply depressed and suicidal because of the lapse they made.

    You also stated “new laws have established a limited time slot to get an abortion of the first trimester.” This new law goes to prove that Sandra Day O’Connor was absolutely right when she declared that once you draw a line, that line will be re-drawn and re-drawn. Laws on abortion have changed drastically throughout history, and I am just curious as to how far in the future we will draw that line? Will murder of all ages one day be accepted by society? Abortion is murder! From the moment of conception a child is exactly that, a child. The baby’s heart begins to beat at only two and a half to three weeks into the pregnancy. How can you not consider that a life?

    With adoption always available as an option I do not see any reason to even consider abortion. Highly-qualified, able parents are here to welcome your child with open, loving arms. Your child is a gift, and has been granted life for a reason. “Your mother was pro-life.” Think about it…
