We can all say that we are over the fact about racism and inequality in the United States of America. So many things have changed throughout the years. The hate has been broken from both sides, we say. We have an African American President. We have all been open to equal opportunity, we say. We see everything as if it is perfect. Well not everything is okay.
Last month a group of students from Washington University went on a senior trip to Chicago, Illinois. They all went to a nightclub to celebrate. According to the club's dress policy people who wore baggy jeans were not allowed in. So about six African American students were not allowed entry because of the way they were dressed. The rest were 200 white students who were allowed to go in. Two of the students had an idea of exchanging jeans to see if both were allowed entry. One of the students who was white the jeans fitted baggy. He was still allowed entry but the other who was African American was denied his entrance.
This was a two day trip which would culminate in a celebration at the Old Mothers Club. This trip was already planned and the party had already been arranged ahead of time with the nightclub by the student class board, which included two of the African American students who were later denied entry to the club. That really sucks. Nobody would want to go through that especially when you are trying to celebrate your final year at college. I really think that there are some people who really are not over this entire race issue. I do believe that there are some racists out there. It's sad that we still have to go over this same issue over and over again. Why can't we just get over it all? Do you feel this is okay? Was this a matter of policy or race? Put yourself in these young students shoes, should you feel outrage? What can we do to get this to stop? Is it in our control or is this out of our control?
Clearly this was a matter of race and it's completely not acceptable. We are supposedly post-racial America but instances such as this force us in a negative direction. America has control over this but we don't have the urgency to take control- that's the problem. No one is making the effort to allow everyone to feel equal.
ReplyDeleteIt's going to take effort from both sides and without teamwork, it won't happen. Along with not putting forth the effort, Americans (especially whites) continue to remain ignorant about the history of other ethnicities. It's very selfish, egotistical, and inconsiderate of the majority. Personally, I don't ever think that America will become post-racial and that's not because of my pessimistic outlook. It's because no one has had the guts to truly step up and make a statement. Yes, Martin Luther King Jr and Barack Obama have made significant contributions to the idea of post racial America. But in a country of 304,059,724 people, 2 people trying to make a difference won't happen. It has to be all of us or none of us. Right now, it's none of us.
This was a racial situation. The students switching pants was an excellent idea though because it shows us how powerful racial discrimination still is in our country. If I were in their shoes I would feel humiliated. It is so awful to hear this story and still have people in this world that believe that we have come to a concensus on race. I feel that we discuss this issue in every class, and it always comes down to one question...are we on an equal playing field now that President Obama is in office? What do I believe...no. I do not think so, and here is Example A right in front of us. Our world can not see eye to eye because we are constantly judging. Why is skin color such a big issue? It is because our society has made it one. We have grown up in a society where race does matter, no matter what people try and say. I hope that my children will grow to have a strong sense that we are all humans, but I am fearful of what the world will show them.
ReplyDeleteI agree that race still resides in many places in society today. Even though each people still has equal rights, it seems that some people still hold on to their racist beliefs. It is really too bad that unacceptable instances such as these are still occuring today. Who is to say that one ethnicity should be given certain rights and priviledges and another should not? If I was one of these students I would feel so angry that what I have been fighting for all these years has been diminished by someone who enforces unjust "policies". I don't believe that one person in particular can control these instances from happening. We can fight for and establish as much rules on the subject as we want, but what it comes down to is that the invidiual is the one who needs to change their naive outlook on life. Even if these people are penalized for their actions, they may not change their way of thinking and these conflicts will go on.
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious that this is an issue of race. I am sad to say that I have a friend that has experienced something similar. She was in a restaurant with her family and she was first in line. They were about to be served, when a Caucasian family walked in. They were served second and my friend's father was outraged. My friend was only 8 at the time. It wasn't till she was older that she truly understood what had happened.
ReplyDeletePeople still harbor prejudice. Although we have progressed, hatred and ignorance still exist. It is unfortunate, but it is a reality that is true. Our best idea would be to move forward and try our best to move past archaic ways of thinking.
This situation was in no way a matter of club policy, but instead it was all about racism. The club said denied entry to the African American students by saying it was about a baggy pants policy, but this was not the case. Due to the fact that a white student exchanged pants with one of the kids who was denied entry and still got in proves this. The white student was significantly shorter than the other man, so the pants were extremely baggy. Also, the students offered to go back and change, but the club said that they would still not allow entry. This is outrageous and shows that in some places of the United States, racism is still alive and in effect. Situations like this are absurd and should not be allowed to happen. The night club should be shut down for discrimination and the students should in some way benefit from this situation because a part of their plan, that they organized, was ruined and taken from them. I do not feel that America will ever be completely free of racism because it is up to every individual to feel this way. All people have their own thoughts and a group of people or individuals alone cannot change the thoughts of others.
ReplyDeleteIt is clear that this situation was an issue of race. It is sad that we call our country progressed when things like this still occur frequently. I feel that businesses that are run under corrupt moral standards should be punished by the government. Many organizations are run by people holding racist views that limit who can enter or be a part of the organization. I feel that these beliefs not only limit the organization, but also limit us as a country and hold us back from progressing towards a more accepting environment. Every individual needs to feel outraged about situations like this in order to free our coountry from ignorance and racism.
ReplyDeleteI think that racism will always be around because there are people that will still be ignorant towards the topic. There will always be people who look down on those that are different because it makes them feel better about themselves. It is sad that this issue is still around but you have to look on the positive side and realize how much progress we made over the past 25 years. And although we can make it is somewhat possible to make it so that racism is basically gone, there will always be remnants of racism that remain.
ReplyDeleteIt is unfortunate, but true that racism is still present in many parts of our nation today. Many small communities have a lot of racism going on that is not really known in other parts of the country. I think it is horrible what happened to these kids. They were probably embarrassed and extremely hurt by what the people at the club did to them. This just shows how many parts of America have really not changed much from 30 years ago. I think we would all love for our society to be completely free of racism, but I am not sure if that will ever happen. I don’t mean to be really negative, but it is difficult to change certain people’s views. The U.S. needs to start being more progressive when it comes to racism.
ReplyDeleteThis story most definitely does not reflect a POST-racial America. The blatant prejudice actions of the club owners cannot be overlooked. If the club owners were smart, they would immediately recognize the need to diffuse the situation to protect the image of the club. By not allowing entry, they have received such terrible publicity that they should have knew to avoid it in the first place. That is solely a business perspective.
ReplyDeleteIn more of an outlook on humanity, it is disgusting to see this type of prejudice actions still continuing today. This somehow reminds me of separate but equal. White and black everything (schools, restaurants, bathrooms). Apparently this club wanted to be a “white” one. Separate but equal was an inept illusion at a solution decades ago, yet its prejudice and humiliating practices are still participating in modern society.
When will this country have the ability to rid itself of this display of prejudice and hate? When will this country be able to rid itself of ALL forms of prejudice and hate? I would love to imagine myself living to see this society form. Even though these types of occurrences reinforce my most core, realist beliefs, I cannot allow myself to lose hope. Because hope is the one reason we have progressed even this far and is the only entity strong enough to survive centuries of doubt and opposition.
Acts like this go to show that racisms still exists in the United States no matter what anyone says. Yes we have a black president now but that doesn’t make a difference for some people. This was a nightclub in a very populated diverse city and still there was racism present. In no way at all was this act okay. If I were in this situation I would be furious. Indeed the United States have come a long way from slavery and segregation this just proves that racism hasn’t stopped though. What would have happened if all the white people were denied entrance to the club and the black people were let in? There would have defiantly been a bigger deal made out of the situation. Situations like this are unacceptable in society and the world today. If I witnessed this I would have be furious and would have said something because that’s the only way change can happen, if people are aware of what is going on.